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HomeEventsTown Hall on the LWVUS Federal Judiciary Study

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Town Hall on the LWVUS Federal Judiciary Study

About this event

The League currently does not have a position on the Federal Judiciary. This study is the first step towards crafting a position. 

At the LWVUS 2024 Convention, delegates voted to proceed with a study on the federal judiciary. The study’s purpose includes, but is not limited to, addressing concerns and clarifying judicial accountability, transparency, independence and ethics. The scope addresses the Supreme Court as well as other Article III federal courts. 

As a LWVCC member, you will have the opportunity to contribute to this study and determine what, if any, position the LWVUS adopts. 

The LWVUS League Management website provides additional information about the 2024-2025 Federal Judiciary Study.


Registration is required to receive the Microsoft Teams link.

Date and Time

Tuesday, February 4, 2025, 7:00 PM until 8:00 PM
Videoconference information will be provided in an email once payment is received.



Registration Info

Registration is recommended