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LWVCC encourages active and informed participation in government. We are a nonpartisan nonprofit organization aiming to support voters and influence public policy.
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Our Mission

Empowering voters, defending democracy. When you join the League of Women Voters of Collier County (LWVCC), you become a part of something much bigger. The LWVCC with more than 325 members, is an integral part of the League of Women Voters of Florida and the League of Women Voters U.S. Through your membership you automatically become a member of these organizations, with affiliates in more than 700 state and local leagues, and more than 500,000 members and supporters across the U.S. The League reached more than ten thousand voters in 2018 and possibly more in 2020.

Our members are non-partisan. They do not support or oppose any political party or candidate. However, we are always working on issues of vital concern to our members and the public.  In the LWVCC, our members' top concerns are environmental protection, protecting the rights of voters and issues pertaining to justice and equality for all.


Our Principles

(as set forth in the LWVUS Impact on Issues)

The LWV believes in representative government and in the individual liberties established in the Constitution of the United States.  The LWV believes that all powers of the U.S. government should be exercised within the constitutional framework of a balance among the three branches of government: legislative, executive, and judicial.

The LWV believes that democratic government depends upon informed and active participation in government and requires that governmental bodies protect the citizen’s right to know by giving adequate notice of proposed actions, holding open meetings, and making public records accessible.

 The LWV believes every citizen should be protected in the right to vote; every person should have access to free public education that provides equal opportunity for all; and no person or groups should suffer legal, economic, or administrative discrimination. "Our principles" continued ... [link to Documents]


Our Commitment to Diversity


LWV is an organization fully committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion in principle and in practice. Diversity, equity, and inclusion are central to the organization’s current and future success in engaging all individuals, households, communities, and policy makers in creating a more perfect democracy. It is a fundamental value of the organization and belongs alongside our hallmark of nonpartisanship. 


At the LWVUS biennium convention 2020 in June, hundreds of League delegates from across the nation voted to enhance our organization's commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion by moving it from a resolution to a policy.  This change was very significant.  Prior to this change the only policy that the national League enforced at a governance level was our nonpartisan policy.  Now, our commitment to DEI is on par with our commitment to nonpartisanship.  


There shall be no barriers to full participation in this organization on the basis of gender, gender equity, ethnicity, race, native or indigenous origin, age, generation sexual orientation, culture, religion, belief system, marital status, parental status, socioeconomic status, language, accent, ability status, mental health, educational level or background, geography, nationality, work style, work experience, job role function, thinking style, personality type, physical appearance, political perspective or affiliation and/or any other characteristic that can be identified as recognizing or illustrating diversity. See more on this at DEI Team page ... [provide link]


"We, as an organization acknowledge our own difficult history with racism while we embrace our future, where DEI will become part of our DNA." 

--Deborah Turner, President of LWVUS, from her address at the 2020 National Convention:


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Leadership Spotlight: Joyce Fletcher

Patricia Rodilosso

Over one hundred years ago, courageous women stood tall in front of the world and firmly established themselves as strong, intelligent, and committed to the democratic process. Today, we have our own leaders, women and men, who stand beside their sisters with that same firm resolve: Empowering Voters, Defending Democracy. Each month we'll spotlight one or more of our many impressive leaders.

Joyce Fletcher

What is the key to being a vital member of The League?  Being well informed and having a global perspective as well as empathy for others is one take on the making the position vital. Joyce Fletcher, former LWV Board Member and Vice President, has the answer. Joyce said, “I wish everyone could travel. We learn so much when we are exposed to other people in their own surroundings.”

Joyce’s recent travel to Nicaragua, a country where 79.9% of the people live on less than $2.00 a day, heightened her awareness of the disparity between the rich and poor largely based on wealth, ethnicity, and geography. Joyce said, “Travel provided me insight into these living conditions. The lucky ones lived in corrugated metal houses abutting the factory where they worked and provided by the company.“ Joyce explained seeing their living conditions made her aware of the important impact that international businesses and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have on life for the poor. While these dwellings would be totally unacceptable to us, the people are extremely appreciative of their homes.

A bus trip to Acapulco, Mexico decades ago, solidified Joyce’s decision to become a social worker. “It was unnerving; I was shocked. People came down from the mountaintop daily to sell their wares to the tourists. Their families depended upon the income from those sales. This made me realize how fortunate I was and how difficult life was for so many.”

Joyce is a tireless volunteer and has headed up various groups. She raised funds for the American Cancer Society. She is currently a board member for the Collier Citizens Council, a non-partisan organization that identifies and studies local issues and advocates for solutions. The group also educates others through newsletters and forums as well.

Joyce loves to learn and read and has a strong interest in local and global affairs. Her intellectual curiosity has led her to chair one the Great Decisions groups over the past three years, an arm of the Naples Council on World Affairs, where she is a Board Member and Secretary.

Project facilitation is one of Joyce’s strengths; however, it doesn’t end there. Joyce said, “One of the most rewarding and exciting positions I’ve held was to chair the Grants Committee at Trinity by the Cove Episcopal Church in Naples,” another example of her philanthropic work. Being a member of the Naples Garden Club and of the Naples Botanical Garden is another outlet for her creative spirit. She is a whirlwind!    

Joyce joined the League in 2008. She has chaired many LWV groups over the years but her primary focus has always been the Voter Services Committee, a group that helps educate members on pending legislation and “Know Your County Government” that takes local high school students (along with Collier County Public School and 4-H staff) to Collier County government agencies to learn their function and role as well as obtain information on employment preparation and availability in the agency. “Getting information out to the people is vital,” Joyce stated.  As the leader, she coordinated and facilitated candidate forums for most of the county’s election races.

With a MSW from Virginia Commonwealth University in 1969, Joyce facilitated a variety of mental health programs in the government and the corporate world. She worked as regional program manager for EAP (Employee Assistance Program) for nine years in the mental health divisions of Aetna and Cigna. Joyce wore many hats in that position including orientation of new employees, training managers, writing training booklets as well as marketing and program delivery.

As a professional and a leader in the healthcare field, Joyce has a clear picture on how mental health is viewed in society today: “There is no longer as much stigma about mental illness issues. It clearly can touch families in all socioeconomic levels. For example, domestic violence is not just a lower-class issue. Drug use leads to physical and psychological needs that can be met through self-help groups, cognitive therapy and sponsorship.”

After moving full time to Naples in 1997, Joyce worked more than 10 years at Naples Community Hospital as a social worker and discharge planner, a post that required people skills as well as superior organizational abilities.

What is the leadership style she provides The League? Joyce stated pointedly, “I’m more of a facilitator and a participant than a ‘leader-leader’ type of person. People need information. My goal is to get others involved through education.” She prefers working with groups that include different genders and ages as that intrinsically advances a broad variety of talents and skills.

If you do not know Joyce Fletcher, get to know her. I promise you are in for a treat! She is a gift for our League.