Pillar 2: Alison Wescott, lead
Priorities for Year 1
Increase diversity of LWVCC membership.
Define in measurable terms what a more diverse LWVCC would look like in 3 years.
Done. See DEI plan for promoting greater diversity.
Create outreach plan to reach various groups and individuals that generates a more diverse membership.
Done. See board-approved plan.
Create talking points as to why having greater more diverse organization is important to the LWVCC.
Talking points created (1/31/22)
Articulate the benefits of membership to potential new members.
Benefits articulated (2/28/22)
Enlist active members as buddies or ambassadors.
Twelve (12) members recruited from underrepresented groups (June 30, 2022)
Increase members' knowledge and skills in
1) Critical topics identified in Pillar 1;
2) Advocacy; and,
3) Public speaking.
Identify members with expertise in key areas and enlist their support as trainers and/or coaches.
A " talent" roster by key area created (May 31, 2022)
Identify gaps in LWVCC skills and find ways to build capacity in these key areas.
Gap analysis completed (May 31, 2022)
Engage new and existing members to deepen our "bench" and loyalty to the League.
Develop an on-boarding system for new members, to include ambassadors/buddies.
On-boarding process defined (May 31, 2022)
Ensure all committees and teams have "new member-friendly" orientation materials.
Review committees' orientation materials (May 31, 2022)
Conduct annual survey of members aimed at learning how to improve engagement and participation.
(No target set for Year 1)